Useful informations

Reduced price

For individuals
Alone or with your friends, colleagues, relatives or neighbours

Group your orders to take advantage of our discounted rate.
For any order of 20 pairs or more to a single delivery address, POM de PIN offers a €2 discount/pair. Nice saving !

How to ?
  • Place your order in the basket and your discount will automatically be calculated after 20 pairs.
  • Follow the online purchase procedure.
  • FREE delivery from POM de PIN.
For groups

Your youth organisation/school-class club/association wants to organize an original and effective fundraising ? Hand out Pom de Pin catalogues and earn 3€/pair .

You will find more details on how to organise your fundraising on the "Fundraising steps" page.

Everyone wears socks. The result will surprise you.

A question ?
Contact Us
T. +33 (0)3 62 81 00 95
Belgium & Luxembourg
T. +32 (0)4 382 21 41
Youth Organisations, Schools & Students, Clubs, Associations, …

Do you want to raise money with our socks?